A tour of Pathway's transformer classes

In this section, we will go through several examples of Pathway transformer classes. This should give you a good overview of how to handle them and how useful they are.

We will not go into implementation details, so you are strongly encouraged to read our introduction first.

In the following, we are going to see how to use transformer classes to perform simple operations on a single row, use transformers as a method, and use transformers to combine several tables at once.

Our guinea pig

You will experiment on the following table:

from typing import Any

import pathway as pw

guinea_pig = pw.debug.table_from_markdown(
    | val  | aux
 0  | 0    | 10
 1  | 1    | 11
 2  | 2    | 12
 3  | 3    | 13
 4  | 4    | 14
 5  | 5    | 15
 6  | 6    | 16

Simple operations on a single row

First, you are going to perform simple operations on the table: adding a given number, obtaining the squared value, and performing the sum of two columns.

Adding 10 to each value:

class add_ten:
    class table(pw.ClassArg):
        val = pw.input_attribute()

        def result(self) -> float:
            return self.val + 10

result = add_ten(guinea_pig).table
[2024-05-14T18:43:14]:INFO:Preparing Pathway computation

            | result
^X1MXHYY... | 10
^YYY4HAB... | 11
^Z3QWT29... | 12
^3CZ78B4... | 13
^3HN31E1... | 14
^3S2X6B2... | 15
^A984WV0... | 16

As you can see only the column val has been taken into account.

Obtaining the squared value of each value:

class squared_value:
    class table(pw.ClassArg):
        val = pw.input_attribute()

        def result(self) -> float:
            return self.val * self.val

result = squared_value(guinea_pig).table
[2024-05-14T18:43:14]:INFO:Preparing Pathway computation

            | result
^X1MXHYY... | 0
^YYY4HAB... | 1
^Z3QWT29... | 4
^3CZ78B4... | 9
^3HN31E1... | 16
^3S2X6B2... | 25
^A984WV0... | 36

Summing two columns

class summing_columns:
    class table(pw.ClassArg):
        val = pw.input_attribute()
        aux = pw.input_attribute()

        def result(self) -> float:
            return self.val + self.aux

result = summing_columns(guinea_pig).table
[2024-05-14T18:43:14]:INFO:Preparing Pathway computation

            | result
^X1MXHYY... | 10
^YYY4HAB... | 12
^Z3QWT29... | 14
^3CZ78B4... | 16
^3HN31E1... | 18
^3S2X6B2... | 20
^A984WV0... | 22

Those three results can be obtained by a unique transformer:

class combined_transformer:
    class table(pw.ClassArg):
        val = pw.input_attribute()
        aux = pw.input_attribute()

        def result_add(self) -> float:
            return self.val + 10

        def result_squared(self) -> float:
            return self.val * self.val

        def result_sum(self) -> float:
            return self.val + self.aux

result = combined_transformer(guinea_pig).table
[2024-05-14T18:43:14]:INFO:Preparing Pathway computation

            | result_add | result_squared | result_sum
^X1MXHYY... | 10         | 0              | 10
^YYY4HAB... | 11         | 1              | 12
^Z3QWT29... | 12         | 4              | 14
^3CZ78B4... | 13         | 9              | 16
^3HN31E1... | 14         | 16             | 18
^3S2X6B2... | 15         | 25             | 20
^A984WV0... | 16         | 36             | 22

Finally, you can use the new values inside the same transformer to perform more advanced operations:

class reusing_transformer:
    class table(pw.ClassArg):
        val = pw.input_attribute()

        def result_add(self) -> float:
            return self.val + 10

        def result_double(self) -> float:
            return self.result_add + self.result_add

result = reusing_transformer(guinea_pig).table
[2024-05-14T18:43:14]:INFO:Preparing Pathway computation

            | result_add | result_double
^X1MXHYY... | 10         | 20
^YYY4HAB... | 11         | 22
^Z3QWT29... | 12         | 24
^3CZ78B4... | 13         | 26
^3HN31E1... | 14         | 28
^3S2X6B2... | 15         | 30
^A984WV0... | 16         | 32

Transformers as a method

You are not bound to static computation as transformers provide a way to obtain methods as new values. This is done using the method keyword:

class method_transformer:
    class table(pw.ClassArg):
        val: float = pw.input_attribute()

        def method_result(self, arg) -> float:
            return self.val + arg

method_table = method_transformer(guinea_pig).table
result = method_table.select(res=method_table.method_result(10))
[2024-05-14T18:43:14]:INFO:Preparing Pathway computation

            | res
^X1MXHYY... | 10
^YYY4HAB... | 11
^Z3QWT29... | 12
^3CZ78B4... | 13
^3HN31E1... | 14
^3S2X6B2... | 15
^A984WV0... | 16

Transformer Classes using two different tables

Now you might want to do something more complicated which requires two different tables.

You have a table matchings which contains pairs of values a and b and a table profiles which contains the profile of each value of the pairs. You want to compute, for each pair, the sum of the profiles of the values of the pair.

First, you need the tables:

profiles = pw.debug.table_from_markdown(
    | profile
 0  | 1
 1  | 10
 2  | 100
 3  | 1000

matchings = pw.debug.table_from_markdown(
    | a  | b
 0  | 0  | 2
 1  | 1  | 3
matchings = matchings.select(
    a=profiles.pointer_from(matchings.a), b=profiles.pointer_from(matchings.b)

Now, you can do a transformer which takes the two tables as parameters. To access a given table inside the transformer, use the notation self.transformer.my_table.

class using_two_tables:
    class profiles_table(pw.ClassArg):
        profile: float = pw.input_attribute()

    class matchings_table(pw.ClassArg):
        a: pw.Pointer = pw.input_attribute()
        b: pw.Pointer = pw.input_attribute()

        def sum_profiles(self) -> float:
            pa = self.transformer.profiles_table[self.a].profile
            pb = self.transformer.profiles_table[self.b].profile
            return pa + pb

result = using_two_tables(
    profiles_table=profiles, matchings_table=matchings
[2024-05-14T18:43:14]:INFO:Preparing Pathway computation

            | sum_profiles
^X1MXHYY... | 101
^YYY4HAB... | 1010

Other topics

We hope these examples make you feel comfortable using Pathway transformer classes. You can take a look at our advanced example of transformer classes on a tree.

To continue your exploration of Pathway, you can also check out our connectors, or see directly how to use Pathway to implement classic algorithms such as PageRank.